
Non-invasive fibrosis scoring systems can predict future metabolic complications and overall mortality in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Kolinfosfolipider, en nyttig kostkomponent vid alkoholfettlever, NAFLD och NASH?

Prognosen för patienter med primär biliär cholangit har förbättrats i Sverige

Durable Response in the Markers of Cholestasis Through 36 Months of Open-Label Extension

Zinc deficiency in patients with chronic pancreatitis

Pancreatic heterospecies heterospheroids in cancer/stroma crosstalk investigation

Macrophage-specific deletion of Smad7 does not exacerbate fibrosis after experimental chronic pancreatitis

Kidney involvement in patients with type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis

Malnutrition in patients with chronic pancreatitis of various etiologies

Pancreatic atrophy in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis

Anti-TNF agent drug survival in patients with IBD

Clinical effectiveness of vedolizumab

Validation of IBD diagnoses and Montreal Classification defined subgroups of the diseases in the Swedish National Patient Register

Tissue factor factor factor -uttryck vid ulcerös kolit, med och utan primär skleroserande kolangit

Quantum Blue® Adalimumab: Development of the first point of care rapid test for therapeutic drug monitoring of serum adalimumab levels

Hereditär intestinal pseudo-obstruktion kopplad till duplikation i kromosom 9

Anxiety or depression in IBS: Interaction with other symptoms and pathophysiology using multivariate analyses

Effects of aloe barbadensis mill. On symptoms, fecal microbiota and metabolite profiles in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Atrophic submucosal neurons in Parkinson´s disease

Neurophysiology measures in IBS: Interactions and relevance for symptoms

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in patients with Crohn´s disease

Lung involvement in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis

Immunoglobulin G subtypes-1 and 2 (IgG1 and IgG2) can differentiate between autoimmune pancreatitis with associated cholangiopathy and primary sclerosing cholangitis

Double Pigtail Plastic Stents Are Cheaper and As Effective as Lumen Apposing Metal Stent for the Endoscopic Drainage of Walled-Off Necrosis: a Case Control Study

Serum pancreatic enzymes as measurement for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency

Patient-near Adalimumab trough-level testing by a novel quantitative rapid test: The Quantum Blue Adalimumab assay

Performance of the BÜHLMANN Quantum Blue® Infliximab point-of-care assay dedicated for therapeutic drug monitoring of serum infliximab trough levels

Self-care in association to disease activity and health-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory disease

IBDHome på GHP Stockholm Gastro Center

Biologisk läkemedelsbehandling ur genusperspektiv

What determines whether individuals with irritable bowel syndrome in the general popula6on seek medical care for their disorder?

Yoga, en lovande behandling för IBS- resultat från en pilotstudie

Fortsatta erfarenheter av teduglutidbehandling vid extrema kort tarmsyndrom i Skåne och Blekinge

Irregular dietary habits with a high intake of cereals and sweets are associated with more severe gastrointestinal symptoms in IBS patients

Factors influencing achievement of adequate bowel preparation: analysis of the European Colonoscopy Quality Investigation Group (ECQI) procedure questionnaire

A patient perspective on the colonoscopy procedure –the Screening of Swedish Colons study (SCREESCO)

Fallbeskrivning: Endoskopisk visualisering av ventrikelischemi före och efter endovaskulärintervention

Komplikationer och överlevnad efter inläggning av Perkutan Endoskopisk Gastrostomi (PEG), genomgång av 495 patienter på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

Patientperspektiv av delaktighet vid endoskopi – en kvalitativ intervjustudie